Film Form – Characterisation and Script Development


Tutorials with screenwriting tutor Caio helped me to explore and understand characterisation from a new perspective.

Characterisation – Questions to Ask Yourself

What is characterisation?

  • Everything you can see about someone. Their choices are influenced by context, ethics, morals, and values.
  • Personality, appearance, perceptions, how they carry themselves, how the world sees them.

How does characterisation and plot interact?

  • The plot exists for the character to act and make decisions and ultimately change as a result.

The following questions were specific to our script for Film Form, but are generally applicable to all scripts and a fundamental part of screenwriting.

Character Considerations and Questions

Pose hard-hitting questions but allow the character to reach their own solution.

The classic ‘show, don’t tell’. This seems obvious and straightforward, but it really isn’t.

How can the character achieve self knowledge?

What is their internal struggle?

If the character wants to belong – how do they want to belong? How/why do they want to belong there?

Consider control vs. lack of control.

“We do not learn unless we get burnt”.

What is their change in behaviour?

Allow yourself and the character to perceive both the problem and the solution.

You need action to show conflict.

Screenwriting Ideas + Tips

If you cannot look at something in a film and immediately understand it, you need to rewrite or write more.

You can’t shoot metaphors.

You need to write a roadmap to a work of art.

Describe only what you see and hear in your mind.

What is the ending you want to happen? This is how you find your governing idea.

Work from the inwards outwards.

Remember character, conflict, and plot are all the same.

Screenwriting Approach

The correct form and technique will always improve your skills. It does not hinder creativity, it serves to rewire your thinking so you can operate better.

Watching a lot of films does not equate to knowing how to write.

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