Cinematography Classes – ARRI Alexa Training + Lighting


One area of cinematography I need to develop and experiment with is lighting. I haven’t prioritised this as much as camera assembly, camera operation, and other in-camera skills. David held several lighting classes for those interested in cinematography, beginning with the foundations of three-point lighting and how to cut and shape light.

This was a class that focused on stylised lighting akin to that from detective films and film noirs.

This class focused on the classic three-point lighting and how to light a face to avoid unflattering shadows and create a sense of depth. Once we were happy with the three-point lighting setup, we added in lighting accessories to bounce, filter, and shape the light.

This class focused on shot recreations submitted by cinematography students.

Aperture 1200D Training

Andrew also provided training on using Aperture 1200D lights – significantly more powerful than Aperture 600D – and Aestera Titan Tube lights.

See below us playing with Aestera lights. These lights were complicated to use and set up, but they were also super versatile and could be pre-programmed with a variety of lighting effects.

I was part of the first group to complete ARRI Alexa training. I thoroughly enjoyed the learning process and the challenge of assembling the ARRI Alexa on a tripod and shoulder rig setup. I found it incredibly rewarding to learn how to build and use a camera that is closer to industry and develop my technical skills with the camera further.

I feel more confident in the camera department than I did during my first two university years. Cameras have always interested me, but I found the culture and male-dominated nature of the camera department intimidating. Since then, I’ve worked in the camera department on freelance shoots and will hopefully also AC on as many graduate film shoots as I can.

Below are some of the notes I used to memorise the ARRI Alexa builds.

As the director of Affliction, I believe having an in-depth understanding of other departments is crucial to communicating your vision. When you understand the workflow of another department, especially through working in it, you are able to communicate more effectively and collaborate with the rest of the crew.

Thanks David for the ARRI Alexa training!

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