Film Narrative 2 – Introduction


For the Film Narrative 2 module we are based at both Craiglockhart Campus and Screen Academy at Merchiston Avenue.

Our project brief is a 3-minute short film with a focus on continuity editing, filmic conventions and world building through sound design. I have limited experience in sound design, so I’m looking forward to learning more about storytelling through sound and incorporating sound design ideas into pre-production materials and the final script.

Once assigned our groups – my group consists of myself, Molly, Ben M, Ben S, and Fionntan – we began to come up with initial concepts around the brief requirements, which are:

  • A strong offscreen presence.
  • Two characters.
  • 2-3 minutes in duration.
  • One location at Craiglockhart.
  • Adhere to 180° rule.
  • Demonstrate understanding of continuity.
  • Use sound design as core aspect of world-building.



Two mothers are sat on a park bench, whilst children can be heard playing in a play-park in the background. One of the mothers, visibly distraught, laments to the other about how regretful she is about motherhood and her belief she is unfit for it. The other tries to console her, but gets distracted by something and looks away for a brief moment. The upset mother, now emotional and frantic, leaves a note on the bench and disappears – having left both her child and her role as a mother behind.


Two characters are being filmed by a camera, which serves as the off-screen presence. They are aware that they cannot ‘cross the line’, which is invisible to the audience, but seems to intimidate the actors. When they finally decide to cross the line, they enter a new and unexpected world.


Two family members await a phone call from the hospital. It’s for test results. We know the implications of the anticipated phone call after a conversation flashback. Tension builds as the phone creates a sense of unease. It rings out. Hesitant to answer, finally, they pick it up.

Final Thoughts

With 3 initial story ideas, we realised the best idea may be a combination of both my idea and Fionntan’s. Instead of having the 180° rule serve as the focus of the story, it could be used and emphasised as a vehicle for the narrative. We plan to explore each idea further and develop a script individually, but the most interesting idea in my opinion lies in the amalgamation of waiting for an important phone call, whilst utilising and experimenting with the requirements of the brief – specifically the 180° rule – to tell it creatively.

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