Film Adaptation – Pre-Production Updates


Below are updates for Proof of the Pudding and our timeline leading up to our shoot dates of the 24th to the 27th March.


During our last production meeting, I decided it was important to create a timeline so we could have a visual overview of the work to be completed on a weekly basis leading up to our shoot.

Whilst this was a stressful process, it allows us to progress steadily and not overlook any crucial production elements or planning. Finlay, our producer, will now ensure that each requirement is met on a weekly basis.


Francis has completed the first draft of our script and is onto the next few redrafts before we finalise the script on the 10th March. I have been providing detailed feedback from a directorial perspective, in addition to creative and technical input from the crew.

Our main focus now is proper formatting, revised characterisation and dialogue to be historically accurate, and restructuring the narrative and pacing.

Camera and Lighting

With our visual approach and influences established, we are now onto the next phase: equipment lists, equipment booking, shot lists, and storyboards.

Oliwia has made a preliminary floor plan of our flat to visualise camera and lighting setups.

Oliwia and I will work together in the next two weeks to create a detailed shot list and storyboard.


At this stage, there isn’t as much work to be completed for post-production. Ethan will research into different editing techniques and look up AVID tutorials to achieve these so that the editing process flows smoothly.


Once we have locations confirmed, we will do camera/lighting and sound tests to ensure we don’t run into any issues whilst on-set. Gaby has conducted research into foley requirements for building the soundscape of our film.


We currently have casting calls up on several Facebook groups and have a promising amount of responses to view. We are going to select an excerpt from the script and request self-tapes as part of our auditioning process. Finlay and I will review all of the responses to ensure we have cast our actors by March 12th.

Editor Westbrook
Shackleford Dawe
Louise Dawe
Pearl Westbrook
Henrietta’s Mother

Finlay is also in the process of securing permission to film in Bruntsfield Links and in contact with theatre groups about using a stage for our finale.

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